There are various levels of support within my daily environment that encourage, enlighten and strengthen my ability to succeed. My spouse is one of my supports, each morning he rises early despite the fact that he is retired to make sure that I do not oversleep, that I have my lunch, my coffee and to walk me to the car and see me off to work each day. In addition, he provides support by transporting my daughter and my mother to their destinations each day. Finally, he listens to my concerns, provides feedback and often takes care of the banking to alleviate my stress. My children are an added bonus, they are inspirational, encouraging and challenging; pushing me each day to produce positive outcomes. My siblings are very supportive, they offer advice, on occasion a free meal or just simple words of encouragement. I have a wonderful circle of friends and extended family, they listen, care, and understand when no one else does.

My supports are beneficial because, they keep me grounded, focused and they challenge me to give of myself unselfishly. They inspire me and they all love me unconditionally. There are times in my life when I feel defeated and deflated and without my supporters, I would probably have idol time and not know specifically what to do with that time. Not having them in my life would have a negative impact on my life. The mere thought of not having my supports in my life, sends chills down my spine. The love of family and friend is my the foundation to my success.